Decoloniality and Fashion e-zine was born in 2021 and published by Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion Foundation - RCDF editorial team. The Decolonial e-zine on fashion is an experimental and plurilingual publication that challenges editorial, writing, and narrative styles. Each new issue aims to deliver perspectives, criticism, and creative crossings to overcome the monocultural trapping of Fashion history while inspiring and connecting how fashion is lived and experienced in different places worldwide.

II - 2023: Decoloniality and Fashion: RCDF 10th Anniversary

Posted on 2023-03-31(Fri) in zine

The Decoloniality and Fashion e-zine celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion!

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I - 2021: Decoloniality and Fashion in Brazil

Posted on 2021-12-01(Wed) in zine

The first e-zine was a coalition with Fashion and Decoloniality: Global South Crossroads Collective, CoMoDe, with the Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion, RCDF. Sandra Niessen’s encouragement to create a newsletter about Brazil became the first bilingual Portuguese+English e-zine on decoloniality and fashion in Brazil. Foreword was written …

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Editor-in-Chief — Mi Medrado is a Brazilian Anthropologist, editor, and decolonial fashion activist. Her doctoral research is on Media and the Fashion industry in the Global South (Brazil-Angola) at the Federal University of Bahia. She holds a Master's in Arts and is also conducting a Ph.D. at the University of California, Los Angeles, on television costume designs and racial capitalism. She is the RCDF editor-in-chief and Latin American editor for Bloomsbury Business Cases. Medrado is the founder-researcher of the Fashion and Decolonization: Global South Crossing working group -CoMoDE and Rede de Estudos Decoloniais em Moda - REDEM/Brazil, and part of the Colonization and Design: Teachings in Brazil. An analysis of the curriculum of the Design-Fashion courses working group at the Federal University of Ceará – UFC.

Graphic Designer — Gabriela Lopes is an illustrator, Professor, and researcher. Lopes is a post-doctoral fellow in the Graduate Program in Letters: Literary Studies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), with the research project “Babel de todos os (en)cantos” on the work of Antonia Torreão Herrera. Her Ph.D. is in Literature and Culture from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). As a Fulbright Scholar completed the Horror Art-House research as a Visiting Researcher in Cinema at the University of California, Los Angeles. Gabriela has an appointment as a substitute Professor of Theory of Literature at the Institute of Letters at UFBA and is an undergrad in Visual Arts at her alma mater.

Guest Cover Illustrators

Issue: 2, 2023: James Green was born in South Wales in 1982. His artistic practice involves painting, drawing, digital and paper collages, and comics, all of which he teaches at the British University in Egypt, Cairo. His research interests are the crossovers between contemporary magic and art, how artists have depicted altered states of consciousness, what we can learn from this, and how collage can be used as a teaching method.

Issue: 1, 2021: Douglas Alves dos Santos é pesquisador do campo da Moda, Docência e Arte. Artista multilinguagem faz costuras entre o cotidiano brasilero e a cultura negra diaspórica por meio de Contos e Performances. Autor do Conto "A Dança Libertadora de Oxum" da antologia "Orixás: Histórias dos Nossos Ancestrais". Ilustrador que mescla político, mitológico e fantástico. Natural de Diadema, São Paulo, percebendo-se corpo político durante as ocupações secundaristas em 2015 e 2016. Reside em Fortaleza, Ceará, graduado em Desing-Moda pela Universidade Federal do Ceará onde coordenou uma célula de Desenho da Figura Humana pelo Programa de Aprendizagem Cooperativa em Células Estudantis (PACCE) e fez parte do Núcleo de Estudos em Arte, Inovação, Moda e Design (NAIF).

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